Tag Archives: the rock

Heidi Betts Hearts Dwayne Johnson


My husband was watching Family Guy last night when I heard hysterical laughter. “You have to come see this,” he called to me. (I, of course, was on the computer.)

The minute I saw Dwayne Johnson (formerly The Rock), I knew I’d have to find the clip on YouTube and send it to my friend Heidi Betts, who has a well-known thing for Dwayne.

Like Rosie’s Gerry, I keep my hands off, but I can look, can’t I? And I thought you might enjoy this, too.

BTW, here’s a message from Heidi:

I’m doing a handful of (I think, anyway) really great giveaways at WIPs & MLY this week; a few run thru the rest of the month & more are likely forthcoming.



I love her knit lit series: